Helps with Dementia • Parkinsons • MS • Other Illness

Good Personal Health

Reduces stress, tension, anxiety

Promotes relaxation

Increases circulation

Encourages the body to heal faster

Reduces pain

Well Being Health

Returns the body back to balance & homeotasis

Improves circulation

Improves elimination

Improves emotional health

Improves sleep patterns

Good mental health for any age

Sharpens mental alertness and attention span

Sharron Brigham, RT, RRP

Certified Reflexology Practitioner serving the Collingwood and surrounding Southern Georgian Bay Area

Crowe Reflexology

27 Third Street, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 1K4

Call: 705-446-0081


Visit our comfortable, relaxed, client oriented private practice

Conveniently located at 27 Third Street in Collingwood.  Client parking at the door.